05. Publishing Collection

This collection has articles describing various aspects of technical publishing, from single sourcing to versioning.

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Blobs vs chunks true separation content from presentation

Blobs vs. Chunks: Understanding True Separation of Content from Presentation – eZ Systems

Separating content from presentation is about… 

  • 5. Oct
  • 4.9K
  • 3

DITA Configuration and Specialization Tutorials – DITA.XML.org

This site provides DITA (Darwin Information Typing… 

  • 12. Jul
  • 2.4K
  • 3

An Introduction to DocBook, a Flexible Markup Language Worth Learning – Opensource.com

This introductory article describes why you should learn… 

  • 12. Jul
  • 2.2K
  • 2

DITA Open Toolkit

The open source DITA toolkit is available for download on… 

  • 12. Jul
  • 3.1K
  • 2
DITA basics

DITA Basics – ComTech

The DITA Basics workshop provides a comprehensive overview… 

  • 5. Oct
  • 2.7K
  • 1

Single Source Publishing: Utilizing XML and DITA – Quark

This slide presentation discusses the issues which led to… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 2.7K
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Single Source Publishing: Creating Customized Output – CMS Wire

This article gives an overview of single source publishing… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 2.3K
  • 1

Introduction to the Darwin Information Typing Architecture – IBM

This article provides a general introduction by IBM, the… 

  • 12. Jul
  • 3.1K
  • 1
Is your DITA ugly

Is Your DITA Output Ugly? – Single-Sourcing Solutions

Traditionally, stylized DITA output has been clunky and… 

  • 5. Oct
  • 3K
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Investigating Jekyll for Versioned Content – JustWriteClick

It’s tough to create versioned content with a static site… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 1.9K
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Publishing Technical Content: Overview of Print Outputs – TechWhirl

This overview of potential outputs is intended to provide… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 2.1K
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Three Models for Single Source Publishing: and Challenges With Each – I’d Rather Be Writing

When publishing different versions of content for different… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 2.2K
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Getting Started with SGML/XML: The Definitive Guide – O’Reilly Media

This version of the guide is dated, but provides useful… 

  • 12. Jul
  • 2.1K
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DocBook Repositories on GitHub – DocBook.org

These repositories by DocBook.org include stylesheets,… 

  • 12. Jul
  • 2.2K
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DocBook: What It is and Why We Use It – LDP Author Guide

This tutorial provides a well-rounded primer and practical… 

  • 12. Jul
  • 2.6K
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What is DocBook? – DocBook.org

DocBook is a schema maintained by the DocBook Technical… 

  • 12. Jul
  • 2.9K
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DITA Community Resources on GitHub – DITA Community

This DITA repository on GitHub contains tools and resource… 

  • 12. Jul
  • 2.5K
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Frequently Asked Questions about the Darwin Information Typing Architecture – IBM

This article provides answers to common questions about the… 

  • 12. Jul
  • 3.1K
  • 0

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