API Collection

API documentation is a category of technical writing that is increasing in popularity. This series of articles provides advice, examples, and case studies of API documentation from around the web.

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Improving the developer experience with OpenAPI specification

Improving the Developer Experience with OpenAPI Specification – Adyen Tech

This post looks at how Adyen Tech is leveraging the OpenAPI… 

  • 5. Oct
  • 2.8K
  • 6

The Most Effective API QuickStarts in 8 Examples – ReadMe.io

This article promotes the idea of using quickstarts to… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 2.8K
  • 4

Online Courses: Documenting APIs – SDK Bridge

This page lists a number of API documentation courses… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 1.9K
  • 4
Devdocs API Documentation

DevDocs API Documentation – freeCodeCamp

The DevDocs page provides libraries of API documentation… 

  • 30. Jan
  • 4.5K
  • 3

Developer Portals: When Docs become DX – Pronovix

This post gets back to basics by answering the core… 

  • 4. Oct
  • 2.1K
  • 3

Why These API Docs are Better Than Yours (And What You Can Do About It) – Readme.io

The rise of API-first companies has put the emphasis on… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 2.6K
  • 3

The Best REST API Template – ReadMe.io

For people who aren't already familiar with your product,… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 3.2K
  • 3

Creating an API documentation portal with MadCap Flare and Swagger/OpenAPI – Cherryleaf

In this post, we’ll look at whether we can combine… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 5.9K
  • 3

The End of API Documentation As We Know It – Nordic APIs

This article discusses sandboxing as a means to onboard… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 2.2K
  • 3

Improving our Developer Documentation – UK.gov

This case study outlines broad steps taken in creating… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 1.9K
  • 2

Components of Killer API Docs – Stoplight.io

The first impression a developer gets of an API is its… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 2.5K
  • 2

The Ten Essentials for Good API Documentation – A List Apart

API documentation is the number one reference for anyone… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 2.9K
  • 2

The Utopia of API Documentation – SmartBear

This is an interview with Arnaud Lauret of AXA Banque… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 2.6K
  • 2

Writing an OpenAPI (Swagger) Specification Tutorial – API Handyman

This free tutorial explains the OpenAPI (Swagger)… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 3.1K
  • 2

Best Practices for Writing API Docs and Keeping Them Up To Date – ReadMe.io

API documentation has to be more than bare necessities like… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 2.2K
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A-Z of API Documentation – IHeartTechnicalWriting

This article lists a variety of resources for getting… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 2.1K
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A Guide to Writing API Documentation – SendBird

This is a brief guide to writing effective API… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 2.2K
  • 2

Why We Write API Documentation – API Evangelist

This post talks about why we write API documentation, from… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 2K
  • 2

Know a useful article that's missing here? Tell us!


An ultimate list of resources for technical documentation.