04. Usability & review Collection

This collection of usability and review articles describe best practices for a variety of activities from editing to using linter software.

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Comparative User-Focused Evaluation of User Guides: A Case Study – Franck Ganier

This paper describes a comparative evaluation of two user… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 2.4K
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Modern Editing – Linda Oestreich

This presentation from a technical editing workshop… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 1.9K
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Mobile Documentation: Usability Guidelines For User Assistance On Tablets and Smartphones – CIDM

This article summarizes mobile usability guidelines and… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 2.4K
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The Levels of Edit – NASA

This is a link to "The Levels of Edit," now hosted on the… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 2.3K
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4 Levels in Technical Writing – Technical Communication Center

Technical editing is a crucial part of all technical… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 3.8K
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Levels of Editing – IPEd.org

The tasks that an editor performs can be grouped broadly… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 2.8K
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Vale for Spelling, Grammar, Style and Readability Linting – Chris Ward

A handful of tools are available that help you codify a… 

  • 24. Aug
  • 3.2K
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How We Spotted–and Fixed–11 Errors in Our Docs With Our New Markdown Proofer – CircleCI

Static Site Generators (SSGs) such as Hugo and Jekyll are… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 1.9K
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Business Value Metrics for Field Studies – UXmatters

This case study describes usability analysis of drawing and… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 2.3K
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Lint, Lint and Away! Linters for the English Language – HackerNoon

In this article Chris Chinchilla lists and reviews a… 

  • 13. Jul
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Editing for Tech Writers – Kai Weber

This blog article describes "editing 101," or the basics of… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 2.9K
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Working with a Technical Editor – TechWhirl

This article looks at some aspects of the writer-editor… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 2K
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Getting Users to a Specific Feature in a Usability Test – Nielson Norman Group

User testing works best if you don’t direct participants… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 2.1K
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How to Review Troubleshooting Guides – IHeartTechnicalWriting

How do you test your Troubleshooting Guide after you write… 

  • 13. Jul
  • 2.3K
  • 0

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