Analytics Collection

Although analytics is sometimes an elusive topic for technical communicators, knowing the concepts and types of key performance indicators can be useful for understanding audience behavior.

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KPIs: Monitoring the Performance of Document Control – Consepsys

KPI stands for ‘Key Performance Indicator’ and is a… 

  • 16. Jul
  • 10.1K
  • 5

Harnessing Analytics to Measure the Efficacy of User Documentation – UXmatters

In this article, Debarshi Biswas and Samiksha Chaudhuri… 

  • 16. Jul
  • 1.9K
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The Best KPIs Support your Tech Comm Strategy – Kai Weber

The best key performance indicators (KPIs) in techcomm are… 

  • 16. Jul
  • 2.3K
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Why Documentation Analytics May Mislead – Every Page is Page One

In this post, Mark Baker explores the assumptions behind… 

  • 16. Jul
  • 2.3K
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Five Web Analytics Metrics for Technical Writers – TechWhirl

By using Google Analytics technical writers can discover… 

  • 16. Jul
  • 2.3K
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Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantitative and Qualitative Research – UXmatters

Both qualitative and quantitative methods of user research… 

  • 16. Jul
  • 3.5K
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Technical Communication Metrics: What Should You Track? – I’d Rather Be Writing

Many technical writers have struggled to define meaningful… 

  • 16. Jul
  • 3.1K
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6 Steps For Measuring Self-Service Success – Zendesk

Although geared towards Zendesk users, this blog post… 

  • 16. Jul
  • 2.3K
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Web Analytics for Technical Documentation Sites – JustWriteClick

In this article, Anne Gentle describes some of the… 

  • 16. Jul
  • 2.2K
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Using Web Analytics in Technical Documentation – Cherryleaf

This is a 10-minute extract from a 45-minute interview… 

  • 16. Jul
  • 2.1K
  • 0

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